Psychology: the science of the mind
Psychology is the science of the mind. The human mind is the most complex machine on Earth. It is the source of all thought and behaviour.
How do psychologists study the mind?
But how can we study something as complex and mysterious as the mind? Even if we were to split open the skull of a willing volunteer and have a look inside, we would only see the gloopy grey matter of the brain. We cannot see someone thinking. Nor can we observe their emotions, or memories, or perceptions and dreams. So how do psychologists go about studying the mind?
In fact, psychologists adopt a similar approach to scientists in other fields. Nuclear physicists interested in the structure of atoms cannot observe protons, electrons and neutrons directly. Instead, they predict how these elements should behave and devise experiments to confirm or refute their expectations.
Human behaviour: the raw data of psychology
In a similar way, psychologists use human behaviour as a clue to the workings of the mind. Although we cannot observe the mind directly, everything we do, think, feel and say is determined by the functioning of the mind. So psychologists take human behaviour as the raw data for testing their theories about how the mind works.
Since the German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) opened the first experimental psychology lab in Leipzig in 1879, we have learned an enormous amount about the relationship between brain, mind and behaviour.
Psychology and other disciplines
Psychology lies at the intersection of many other different disciplines, including biology, medicine, linguistics, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, and artificial intelligence (AI).
For example, neuropsychology is allied with biology, since the aim is to map different areas of the brain and explain how each underpins different brain functions like memory or language. Other branches of psychology are more closely connected with medicine. Health psychologists help people manage disease and pain. Similarly, clinical psychologists help alleviate the suffering caused by mental disorders.
Branches of psychology
Any attempt to explain why humans think and behave in the way that they do will inevitably be linked to one or another branch of psychology. The different disciplines of psychology are extremely wide-ranging. They include:
- Clinical psychology
- Cognitive psychology: memory
- Cognitive psychology: intelligence
- Developmental psychology
- Evolutionary psychology
- Forensic psychology
- Health psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Occupational psychology
- Social psychology
You can learn more about these disciplines by selecting from the list of links on the right hand side of the page.
What all these different approaches to psychology have in common is a desire to explain the behaviour of individuals based on the workings of the mind. And in every area, psychologists apply scientific methodology. They formulate theories, test hypotheses through observation and experiment, and analyse the findings with statistical techniques that help them identify important findings.
ruang dan waktu
alam dan pengalaman
manusia dengan segala aspeknya
perempuan dan seksualitasnya
lelaki dengan solemnitasnya
agama dan tradisi
segala realitas sosial
menjadi objek fenomenologi
dikaji ada dan mengadanya
dieksplorasi eksistensinya
dengan logika kesadaran
kesadaran yang menangkap realitas
bertemu dengan realitas yang menggejala
yang menampakkan diri pada kesadaran
diolah dengan pemikiran karunia Ilahi
menjadi filsafat yang ilmiah
menjadi suatu pengertian
jika aku melihat langitmu, buatan jarimu
bulan dan bintang - bintang yang kautempatkan
apakah anak manusia sehingga Engkau mengindahkannya
namun Engkau telah membuatnya hampir sama seperti Allah
Engkau membuat dia berkuasa atas buatan tanganMu (Mzm 8)
Seorang teman bersaran kepada teman lainnya agar mengusahakan saya dibawa ke seorang psikiater, oleh karena akhir-akhir ini sejak saya ditinggal isteri dengan penderitaannya yang cukup lama menurut pendapatnya saya menjadi lain. Yang dimaksud adalah sekarang ini saya menulis tentang segala sesuatu, baik yang menyangkut kepedihan itu sendiri maupun yang lainnya. Suatu pengalaman yang memedihkan memang telah membuat t segalanya menjadi tak menentu. saya pernah menulis MND , tiga buah kata yang merubah segalanya bagi kami berdua dan juga bagi anak-anak.
Saya berterima kasih kepada saran ini, masalahnya yang paling tahu tentang diri saya adalah diri saya sendiri. Dengan pendidikan psikologi zaman dulu, saya dididik selama 7 tahun (kurikulum rata-rata saat itu) disebuah universitas paling top di negeri ini dan merupakan center of excellence dengan pengajar-pengajar yang umumnya waktu itu adalah berasal dari pendidikan luar negeri, beberapa bergelar Doctor/Phd dengan literature fakultas yang cukup baik. Pada tahun-tahun terakhir bahkan kami untuk kasuistik harus ikut klas psikiatri selama 1 bulan, mengambil kasus-kasus yang variatif dalam kelainan kepribadian/gangguan kejiwaan yang berlangsung selama 3 bulan di rumah-rumah sakit jiwa di Jakarta , yaitu di RSCM, RSPAD, RSAL, dan Rumah Sakit Jiwa Grogol. Kami mempelajari tentang "manusia" rata-rata selama 7 tahun dengan segala subjek studi yang melatar belakangnya. Dari physiologi, anthropologi, sosiologi dan kriminologi, filsafat dan applied psychology lainnya. Dari psikologi eksperimen, pendidikan, klinis, sosial, development & anak, dan industri & organization. Bukan hanya dengan kuliah belaka namun menjalanai stasi/stage yartinya praktek langsung menerima klien dan research selama masing-masing 3 bulan di tiap bagiannya. Kami belajar filsafat hampir sepanjang studi kami lebih dari seminari-seminari berikan untuk para calon pastor. Dari filsafat Yunani , Materialismenya Marx dan Hegel, sampai Fenomenologinya Husserl , Sartre, Marleau Ponty sampai Eksistensialisme nya Soren Kierkegaard, Bergson, Martin Heidegger, dst ; dan diajar oleh para guru besar seperti alm pater Drijarkara, SJ dan alm Fuad Hassan. Sayangnya kami tidak diajar tentang Thomas Aquinas ,dan Karl Rahner dan juga Martin Buber yangt populer sesudah tahun 70-an ; yang selain membahas relasi antar manusia juga banyak mengupas relasi dengan Tuhan. Yang banyak didalami para pastor pinter dalam studi ke luar negerinya. Juga kami tidak belajar logo therapy seperti yang banyak dipelajari para pastor, namun seberapa banyak pastor yang mau melakukan counseling. Banyak diantara mereka lebih menikmati bercharting ria /up load menggunakan teknologi IT baru BB dengan para ibu, barangkali sesuatu yang hilang pada masa lalunya dibandingkan kami kaum awam. Psikiatri bagi dokter umum untuk spesialisasi paling lama 2 tahun. Pada tahun-tahun akhir masa studi , bahkan dalam case study saya biasa presentasi didepan para dokter dan psikiater. Kalau kami mempelajari manusia seutuhnya, para psikiater lebih melihat sebagai objek yang sakit, melakukan anamnese, menentukan diagnosa berdasar symptomatik perilaku penderita , kami para psikolog melakukan evaluasi psikologi berupa gambaran lengkap si individu, kemampuan-kemampuan nya, kehidupan emosi dandan dunia pikiran dengan segala latar belakangnya, dengan pemeriksaan psikologis yang komprehensif, sayangnya karena perkembangan dunia pendidikan dan juga karena aturan asosiasi profesi dan sistim pendidikan baru sejak tahun 1987 (?) pendidikan 4 tahun dengan lebih kurang 150 sks saja , para sarjana psikologi S1 sekarang bahkan tidak tahu dan juga tidak terlatih untuk pemeriksaan psikologis, harus ikut strata post graduate yang khusus untuk profesi. Kami para psikolog lulusan dulu bahkan merasa dan mengalami pendidikan panjang yang lebih dari post graduate dan juga lebih self-confident karena merasa mempunyai kompetensi dalam bidang psikologi, yang membedakan mungkin hanya peminatan dan skripsi yang harus teoritis dan empiris berdasarkan penelitian sendiri yang diambil, biasanya memerlukan waqktu paling cepat dalam 6 bulan dengan pertemuan intensif dengan sponsor/promotor.
Para psikiater meski juga dididik psiko-terapi, umumnya lebih melihat pasien sebagai orang sakit dengan gambaran prognose yang selalu tidak positif dan lebih suka memberi terapi seperti shock therapi/terapi kejut dengan listrik (saat itu), transquilizer/obat-obat penenang seperti diazepam, dsb. Kami para psikolog lebih terlatih menghadapi manusia dengan segala type kepribadian dan segala latar belakang yang membentuknya. Juga kami belajar psiko terapi dan counseling . masing-masing selama 2 semester dengan cukup intensif. Tulisan ini bukan untuk membandingkan antara psikolog dan psikiater, dan saya sendiri sekarang tidak terlalu mengamati apa yang terjadi di Indonesia. Lain disini mungkin lain dengan negara yang perkembangan psikologi dan psikiatrinya lebih maju.
Anyway, saya berterima kasih saran teman itu bila disampaikan dengan tulus. Banyak menulis dan juga membaca bukanlah indikasi yang menjadikan seseorang harus dibawa ke psikiater meski barangkali memang tidak lazim pada budaya masyarakat kita yang tidak menyukai tulis - baca, jika dibandingkan dengan menonton sinetron.
Sejauh isi tulisannya bukan seperti orang-orang schizophrenia, paranoia, atau lainnya. Meski kita juga mengetahui banyak para penulis adalah penderita penyakit jiwa seperti Ernst Hemmingway, dan banyak seniman terutama pelukis yang produktif dan kreatif adalah para penderita schizophrenia (in search of healing)
Grief and Loss Recovery
Jeanette Lockerbie, former editor of Psychology for Living magazine, tells about a minister friend whose wife died suddenly. With her husband, she had been very active in the church and was dearly loved by all the church members.
"I remember so well the church announcement of her funeral service: 'Come, and wear your brightest colors as we celebrate her homegoing,'" Lockerbie reported.
"Fine. This congregation was just following the teaching this minister had given them for a score of years. Everyone did the 'right' thing: the minister bore up admirably and 'celebrated' with his people the death of his life partner.
"Months later, I happened to be a guest in the home where this minister was also visiting. I scarcely recognized the ghost of a man he had become. His deep sorrow at the snatching away of his loved wife, suppressed in the interest of 'Christian' expectations of him, had worked its devastation in his life, both physically and emotionally."1
His "brave front" was nothing but a mask to hide his true feelings. Such masks are deadening.
Some time ago in an article in The Reader's Digest, John Kord Lagemann tells about another minister's reaction to death: "Recently the minister of our church had to carry tragic news to the parents of a twelve-year-old boy. Their son had drowned on a school outing. Later, the parents told me, 'The minister didn't preach or tell us to be brave. He broke into tears and wept with us. We will always love him for that.'"2
To hide behind a brave front in times of deep sorrow is to set one's self up for greater trauma ahead.
It is obvious to see which of the two ministers acted in the healthiest manner. Emotions are God given. In denying them we rob ourselves of spontaneity and seriously affect our emotional and physical health as well as damage our relationships. As John Lagemann put it, without emotions life would be like "playing a trombone with a stuck slide!"
In giving us emotions God also gave us ways to express them. He gave laughter to express joy, words to express anger, and tears to express sorrow. At the grave of his good friend, Lazarus, Jesus wept openly and unashamedly. "Weep with those who weep"3 is God's practical and healthy advice.
Grief can be caused not only by the loss of a loved one, but also by the loss of a job, a home, one's savings, a loved family pet, or anything of value. With any of these losses, the natural response is to grieve—which may include a mixture of reactions and emotions, all of which need to be worked through and resolved. Grieving is not a quick-fix simple event, but a process that can take weeks or many months depending on the significance of the loss. The following are stages that need to be worked through to bring resolution:
First, accept the reality of what has happened. At times of deep loss there is often denial. This couldn't have happened to me. It's just a bad dream, the mind reasons, and blots out the reality of the situation. As difficult as it may be, to resolve grief it is essential to accept whatever loss has occurred.
I know one man who was divorced 20 years ago. His former wife has long since remarried, but he is still living in a fantasy world with the dream that she is going to come back to him. As much as God (and the rest of us) hate divorce, and while miracles are possible, the likelihood of this woman coming back to this man is highly unrealistic. Until he accepts the finality of his situation, he'll stay stuck in the place where he has been for the past 20 years!
Second, realize that it is normal to hurt deeply at a time of loss. Give yourself permission to cry. It is one way of draining the pain of sorrow and loss. As long as our feelings are bottled up, we can't think clearly, we numb out, and get stuck—that is, we can't get on with our lives. Only after we discharge our painful emotions in healthy ways are we freed to pick up the pieces of our lives and return to meaningful living.
Some societies are much healthier when it comes to grieving. The Dani people in Irian Jaya, for example, says former missionary Elise Wight, weep and wail openly for several days when a loved one dies. We, too, need to weep out our pain. It is absolutely essential for healing. As Jesus taught, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."4 Only as we mourn our loss do we find comfort.
Third, accept feelings of loneliness, fear of being alone, and a sense of hopelessness as normal following the loss of a loved one. What is there left to live for? some feel. Forcing yourself to stay involved in former activities you enjoyed and going out and mixing with friends as soon as possible is very important. Equally important is to join a support group—with others who are also suffering loss. None of us can make it alone. We all need the support of loving, understanding friends, especially during times of grief and sadness. As the Bible teaches us, "Bear … one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."5
Fourth, there may also be feelings of guilt, especially if there has been a suicide or some kind of preventable accident. Why didn't I do more for her/him? If only I'd been more understanding. It's my fault? All are thoughts that can haunt.
I talked with one man whose wife committed suicide six months earlier. This man felt he was to blame. Like all of us, I'm sure he could have done some things differently, but he wasn't responsible for his wife's action. Suicide was her choice. His guilt was false. He may need professional counseling to help him see and resolve this.
Fifth, another common emotion in grief is anger. We may feel angry at the person for leaving us, or at our boss for firing us, or at God for allowing our loss to happen. Anger can be difficult to admit, especially when directed at someone we loved very much—or at God! If there is anger, it is essential to acknowledge and express it in healthy ways. If it's repressed, full recovery isn't possible and can lead to depression and/or physical sickness.
Give yourself permission to cry. It is one way of draining the pain of sorrow and loss.
I read about one woman whose two sisters died tragically. She announced to the rest of the family, "There is no God. I don't believe in Him anymore." This woman was understandably angry at God, but instead of telling Him how she felt, she rejected Him. God doesn't get upset when we are angry at Him. He knows it anyhow and He understands. The healthy thing to do is to tell Him how we feel so we can resolve these feelings. Otherwise we will stuff them and become physically ill, depressed, bored, withdrawn, or take out our hurt on others.
In Psalm 109 David expressed his angry feelings to the Lord against those who were accusing him falsely. He prayed, "O God, whom I praise, do not remain silent, for wicked and deceitful men have opened their mouths against me; they have spoken against me with lying tongues. With words of hatred they surround me; they attack me without cause."6 And then he poured out the bitter feelings he held toward these people, after which he prayed, "Help me, O LORD my God; save me in accordance with your love."7 It can be very helpful for us to do the same.
Finally, give yourself time to heal. After accepting and dealing with your painful feelings, which may take weeks or even months, refuse to keep living in the past. Live for the present and the future. Do something that will help others.
Remember, it is God's will that we recover and use our pain as a means to promote growth. This can better equip us to minister to others who grieve. He wants to help us—and will—as we open our life to Christ and daily commit and trust ourselves to Him. As His Word says, "Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you."8
NOTE: For further help see the author’s book, How to Mend a Broken Heart, which can be purchased at:
(Daily Encounter)
1. Source unknown.
2. The Reader's Digest, August 1967.
3. Romans 12:15.
4. Matthew 5:7, (NIV).
5. Galatians 6:2, (KJV).
6. Psalm 109:2-3.
7. Psalm 109:26.
8. 1 Peter 5:7, (NKJV).
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